Wednesday, July 22, 2009


It has been a busy summer here for the Mills family! Emily is 18 months old and walking. Jim is golfing and playing in the band at church, and I have been busy- although I am not really sure with what! Emily can now talk in two word sentences such as 'sit down' 'slide please' 'all done' and 'no no!', the last one being her favorite! She is now a whopping 28 lbs and is 34 3/4" tall. She is slowly making friend with Chance, although she likes him much more then he likes her. Emily is obsessed with shoes (typical girl) and will harass you until you put your shoes on. She is learning to run and climb, and thus far hasn't had any really bad falls.

Since the weather has been so beautiful, we have been playing outside most afternoons. Who knew the average temperature for July would be between 75-80? I am not complaining, I love this weather! I have had my taste of summer, now bring on fall! We also recently redid our flowerbeds. About 4 years ago we put up a nice brick walls, but apparently didn't do it correctly. So it has slowly been falling and this past spring it officially fell. We went to Lowes, got some advice, and rebuilt. They look awesome! I also hired my nephews to weed and mulch the beds and they really look wonderful! With all the rain, the yard looks great too. We haven't had to water once this year- knock on wood!

We have no "real" vacations planned for this summer, but we are headed to Springfield next weekend for a kid-free minication. Jim is taking off Friday and we are leaving Em with her Grandma and Grandpa Mills. She and Grandma will join us Sunday for a baby shower and then we will all head home. I hope you are all doing well and enjoy your summer!

That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil--this is the gift of God.
Ecclesiastes 3:13

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