Emily and Ali checking out pumpkins
Emily, Cooper, and Caden being pumpkins
Emily showing her sympathy for the pumpkins we are about it pick...
In other news, we are finishing our basement and we now have our house on the market! It is exciting and exhausting at the same time. Our house has never looked so good, but our garage is a MESS while we finish the basement. We boxed up a TON of stuff and yet we still have a full house....
In Emily news, we are attempting to potty train... it's hard work! Emily loves to sit on the potty but only likes to tell us after she has gone in her diaper. She is a chatter box these days! She talks all the time and most of the time I can figure out what she is saying, which is nice. She is hitting her terrible twos and likes to throw huge fits. Sunday her cousin Ali turned one and Emily learned a hard lesson about sharing- it is hard and often isn't fun! There was lots of screaming and crying, and Emily was pretty upset too.. =)
We find out on Friday if Emily will have a baby brother or sister, and that is very exciting! Emily is still too young to understand there is a baby in mommy's belly, especially since I am not really showing. However, Emily loves babies! I have started watching a little girl three days a week and Emily LOVES her! She is very good with her and likes to give her her binky when she is fussy. Hopefully she will still think babies are as much fun when ours gets here in March!
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