January was an eventful month! First, Emily turned 2! I cannot believe how old she is, it seems like we just had her first birthday... She had a birthday party and really enjoyed her Elmo cake. She got lots of awesome gifts. We also celebrated on her actual birthday and attempted to finish off the cake! She has got opening presents down to an art! Of course, now any time she seems any sort of present she assumes it is a birthday present.
We had Parents As Teachers over the other day and Emily is doing great! She has wonderful verbal skills, is awesome as puzzles, and excels at her fine motor skills. We need to work on jumping and drinking out of a cup. Although the drinking out of a cup thing is my fault. I like sippy cups, they keep things neat...
We are all moved into our new house, HURRAY!!! Emily LOVES the new house. She was telling her cousin about her house today and told him," Emme new house. BIG house! Emme likes her new house!" She loves her room and will play up there by herself for over an hour. She likes to show off the twins room, she even loves the basement and will ride her bikes all around down there. We had our POD (well, actually it was a SAM, but whatever!) delivered last Friday and my brother-in-law and father-in-law unloaded the whole thing themselves in an attempt to find our waterbed mattress. Yes, we are stuck in the 80's and still love our waterbed! It wasn't as close to the front of the SAM as they thought, and by the time they found it I think they were just on a roll. They unloaded everything except the couch and the piano! Talk about awesome! So, on Saturday we moved in the last two items and then put everyone to work unloading boxes and putting things away. By the end of the day, we had unpacked 90% of the house!! Talk about a blessing!! And while I thought we were crazy to move while I was 8 months pregnant with twins, it has actually been great. My mom has been a huge help in getting us settled in, and Jim's parents and sister have been AWESOME. They have helped us with more little tasks then I can even remember and I am SO thankful!! Our house is now completely unpacked and we are ready for the twins!
And speaking of twins, these two are active little ladies! At 33 weeks and 4 days I went to the hospital with contractions every 3-4 mins like clockwork. They were not at all painful, but they had been going on for close to 10 hours. I got a shot and it slowed them down. I still contract a lot, but they are not consistent and they don't hurt at all, so I just take them and go! I will be 36 weeks on Friday, in the homestretch now! And I must admit, I am ready. Things are getting downright uncomfortable! Plus, I am ready to meet the girls. My NST's (non-stress tests) are going well, the girls are very active and jump around all over the place. We will have what will probably be our last growth ultrasound on Thursday to see how they are weight wise and all that good stuff.
35 weeks pregnant with the twins!
Jim is wonderful, as usual. He has been helping me hang pictures, clean, and get the house settled. He gets me pillows, tends to Emily when/if she wakes up at night, and ignores my snoring- which is hard to do! I woke myself up the other night. He also let's me sleep in about 75% of the bed and doesn't complain. What can I say? I married a prince! A prince who will be 30 on Valentines day... When did we become adults?
So, that is January in a nutshell. I hope you are all doing well!
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