15 minutes later I was having HORRIBLE back labor (Which had actually started the night before, but I just assumed was another discomfort) complete with full body shakes. I rang for the nurse- Now, my nurse was just wonderful, but she was new and had never delivered twins, so she was being extra thorough and taking her time. An hour after being called, the anesthesiologist showed up for my epi. This whole time my back was cramping and spazzing, but the contractions were only reading about 50 on the machine. Trust me, they were full on! I got the epidural, and somehow the doctor missed. So after all the prodding, poking, tape, the works, he had to take it all out and start again. He started in with the needle just as another contraction hit and I lost it, I started bawling. Poor Jim and nurse! Finally the epi kicked in at around 10:15 and things were MUCH better! The nurse was taking her time and putting in the catheter. She checked me about 10:45 and realized I was fully dilated and 100% effaced, it was time to go! Jim scrubbed up, the nurses scrubbed up, and off we went to an operating room.
We entered the room at 11:06. It was extremely cold and my shakes got worse, so they covered me with heated blankets and that helped some. There were a whole slew of people in the room, nurses for me and for each baby, the doctor, the anesthesiologist in case I had to have an emergency c-section, and (because so seldom are twins born vaginally) a handful of other residents and people to watch. I pushed 5 times, had a quick episiotomy, and Audrey Ann was born at 11:12 weighing 6 lbs 4 oz. I had her on my belly until it was time for Baby B to be born. They quickly scanned my belly and Baby B did not flip- she was still head down. The doctor broke my water and got her head down in the birth canal, u/s tech stepped away, and it was time to push again. We passed off Baby A to get cleaned up, pushed twice, and Katelyn Marie joined us at 11:18 weighing 5 lbs 15 oz. Both girls were 19" in length.Kate scored an 8 and a 9 on her apgar and Audrey had 9's both times.
We had no NICU time! We decided to name Baby A Audrey at the nurses suggestion, A for Audrey. They are nursing great and I tandem nurse them as much as possible. We came home that Sunday and had our home follow up visit with the nurse. They are both starting to gain weight again and we are doing really well! Nights are tough, but we are getting it slowly. It was an extremely easy delivery and we have been so blessed with family and friends taking care of us while we get used to life with two babies and a toddler!
Mommy and the twins!
Proud big sister!
The newest members of our family, Audrey and Kate!
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