Emily News- Emily is growing up fast! She is currently in an "I can do it myself" stage. Although, she can't do it herself most of the time, so she wants me to help her but she also wants to do it herself- makes for some serious meltdowns but we are getting through that. She is also in that phase of her life when every other word out of her mouth is "Why??". So curious, and yet so annoying all at the same time! =) We are currently working on potty training and for the most part it is going well. A few minor accidents, but overall good! We have a standing pool date on Thursday afternoons at 1:00 to swim with Emily's cousins and it is a lot of fun! Emily is like a fish in the water, as long as she has her pool floaty on. She isn't scared of the big pool and will even let us dunk her at times. Emily had to have some blood taken today and she was a CHAMP. She didn't cry or even flinch when the nurse stuck her. They took 10 viles of blood and she sat on my lap and watched the whole time. She is getting to be such a big kid!!
Twin News- The girls turned 4 months old on Saturday! Where does the time go? Kate has started to roll over from her back to her belly. Although she hates it when she gets to her belly, so we spend a lot of time rolling her back over. Audrey rolled from her back to her belly for the first time today as well! At their 4 month check up Kate was 12.1 lbs and Audrey was 12.11 lbs. Both girls are gaining weight and are growing like weeds! We recently got out the jumparoo for the girls to play in, they like it for about 5 minutes and then they are done. The girls went to their first Royals game last weekend and I have to say, they weren't too impressed. I don't blame them, it was hot! We have moved the girls out of pack n plays and into a crib at night. The next step will be getting them out of our room and into their own room- someday.
Jim News- Jim recently competed in Corporate Challenge at work. He ran an 800, coached the soccer team, and I am sure I am forgetting something. Ferrellgas is doing well in their division and may even come in first! Jim has been playing with our church band 2-3 Sundays a month and he continues to play on his league soccer team.
Amanda News- I recently helped plan our annual church garage sale, and we had a great turn out! Lots of items donated and we raised money for our childrens and youth ministries. Next up is Vacation Bible School where I will be in charge of Crafts. I have recently taken to cloth diapering the twins. We were going through 16 diapers (minimum!!) a day with the twins. Hard on the pocket book and harder on the planet- so thanks to my sister-in-law, I was able to give cloth diapers a try. Turns out they are easy and I love them! Plus, there is nothing cuter then a baby in a cloth diaper! We have also been getting organic produce delivered to our door weekly and we recently acquired a rain barrel. Next up is to get a composter and we will be set. I never thought of myself as a "green" person but I am quickly becoming one!
I will leave you with some pictures of our adorable girls!
Who's who?? Seriously, I am not 100% sure on this one!
Emily with Kate (left) and Audrey (right)
Emily looking beautiful on Easter
Our Family!
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