For Emily's first Christmas, we gave her her first baby doll. Emily was just shy of a year old and even at that young age, she took her baby into her arms and rocked it. She has always been a nurturer and is an amazing older sister. She asks for her babies first thing when she wakes up and she loves to help give them their pacifiers. The other day we were loading up the car to head out and she grabbed her "baby Elizabeth", put her in her car seat and carried her out to the car while I took the twins. She is just an amazing little Mommy. I think it comes with being the oldest.
I have strived to find the perfect balance of letting Emily be a kid and teaching her manners. It's hard, I know she is only two, but I hope to teach her how to be grateful and humble. It was made clear to me the other day that we are on the right track. I don't remember the specifics of the situation, but Ali gave Emily something- glasses for the 4th of July maybe- and Emily's eyes lit up, and she said, "For me! Oh, thank you! Thank you!" And it was in that moment that I knew we were doing something right!
Jim and I have both been making an effort to make Emily feel special- she tends to get left out since the twins require so much work and attention at this stage in their lives. We took Miss Emily to the movies the other day and we all had a blast! We let her choose who puts her to bed, and we have also been working hard to make Emily feel helpful in her big sister roll. She is old enough now, and so are the babies, that she can helps us more and that makes her feel very special.
Emily is such a beautiful, loving, amazing kid and we are so blessed to be her parents!
Newborn Emily
Emily at 4 months old
9 months
15 months old
18 months
2 years
It's hard to be 2 1/2!
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