On July 5th, Emily was officially 2 1/2 years old. Man, time has just flown by!! Emily is such an amazing kid. She was a perfect baby (isn't hind sight 20/20?), always so happy and enjoyable. She has always been one to do things in her own time. She didn't crawl until she was 10 months old and didn't walk until she was 15 months. While it worried me at the time, when she did crawled, she just took off. The same with walking- there was no stumbling, she simply walked down the hallway and that was that. Now, at 2 1/2 she is walking and running and climbing. She loves to ride bikes, loves being outdoors and going to the park- although mostly she likes to just watch the other kids play. She loves to be on swings- she could swing all day! She also loves to ride in the stroller, she is a stroller kid!!
For Emily's first Christmas, we gave her her first baby doll. Emily was just shy of a year old and even at that young age, she took her baby into her arms and rocked it. She has always been a nurturer and is an amazing older sister. She asks for her babies first thing when she wakes up and she loves to help give them their pacifiers. The other day we were loading up the car to head out and she grabbed her "baby Elizabeth", put her in her car seat and carried her out to the car while I took the twins. She is just an amazing little Mommy. I think it comes with being the oldest.
I have strived to find the perfect balance of letting Emily be a kid and teaching her manners. It's hard, I know she is only two, but I hope to teach her how to be grateful and humble. It was made clear to me the other day that we are on the right track. I don't remember the specifics of the situation, but Ali gave Emily something- glasses for the 4th of July maybe- and Emily's eyes lit up, and she said, "For me! Oh, thank you! Thank you!" And it was in that moment that I knew we were doing something right!
Jim and I have both been making an effort to make Emily feel special- she tends to get left out since the twins require so much work and attention at this stage in their lives. We took Miss Emily to the movies the other day and we all had a blast! We let her choose who puts her to bed, and we have also been working hard to make Emily feel helpful in her big sister roll. She is old enough now, and so are the babies, that she can helps us more and that makes her feel very special.
Emily is such a beautiful, loving, amazing kid and we are so blessed to be her parents!
Newborn Emily
Emily at 4 months old
9 months
15 months old
18 months
2 years
It's hard to be 2 1/2!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Spring into Summer
So Jim just informed me that I haven't updated the blog in, oh, months. So here we go!
Emily News- Emily is growing up fast! She is currently in an "I can do it myself" stage. Although, she can't do it herself most of the time, so she wants me to help her but she also wants to do it herself- makes for some serious meltdowns but we are getting through that. She is also in that phase of her life when every other word out of her mouth is "Why??". So curious, and yet so annoying all at the same time! =) We are currently working on potty training and for the most part it is going well. A few minor accidents, but overall good! We have a standing pool date on Thursday afternoons at 1:00 to swim with Emily's cousins and it is a lot of fun! Emily is like a fish in the water, as long as she has her pool floaty on. She isn't scared of the big pool and will even let us dunk her at times. Emily had to have some blood taken today and she was a CHAMP. She didn't cry or even flinch when the nurse stuck her. They took 10 viles of blood and she sat on my lap and watched the whole time. She is getting to be such a big kid!!
Twin News- The girls turned 4 months old on Saturday! Where does the time go? Kate has started to roll over from her back to her belly. Although she hates it when she gets to her belly, so we spend a lot of time rolling her back over. Audrey rolled from her back to her belly for the first time today as well! At their 4 month check up Kate was 12.1 lbs and Audrey was 12.11 lbs. Both girls are gaining weight and are growing like weeds! We recently got out the jumparoo for the girls to play in, they like it for about 5 minutes and then they are done. The girls went to their first Royals game last weekend and I have to say, they weren't too impressed. I don't blame them, it was hot! We have moved the girls out of pack n plays and into a crib at night. The next step will be getting them out of our room and into their own room- someday.
Jim News- Jim recently competed in Corporate Challenge at work. He ran an 800, coached the soccer team, and I am sure I am forgetting something. Ferrellgas is doing well in their division and may even come in first! Jim has been playing with our church band 2-3 Sundays a month and he continues to play on his league soccer team.
Amanda News- I recently helped plan our annual church garage sale, and we had a great turn out! Lots of items donated and we raised money for our childrens and youth ministries. Next up is Vacation Bible School where I will be in charge of Crafts. I have recently taken to cloth diapering the twins. We were going through 16 diapers (minimum!!) a day with the twins. Hard on the pocket book and harder on the planet- so thanks to my sister-in-law, I was able to give cloth diapers a try. Turns out they are easy and I love them! Plus, there is nothing cuter then a baby in a cloth diaper! We have also been getting organic produce delivered to our door weekly and we recently acquired a rain barrel. Next up is to get a composter and we will be set. I never thought of myself as a "green" person but I am quickly becoming one!
I will leave you with some pictures of our adorable girls!
Who's who?? Seriously, I am not 100% sure on this one!
Emily with Kate (left) and Audrey (right)
Emily looking beautiful on Easter
Our Family!
Emily News- Emily is growing up fast! She is currently in an "I can do it myself" stage. Although, she can't do it herself most of the time, so she wants me to help her but she also wants to do it herself- makes for some serious meltdowns but we are getting through that. She is also in that phase of her life when every other word out of her mouth is "Why??". So curious, and yet so annoying all at the same time! =) We are currently working on potty training and for the most part it is going well. A few minor accidents, but overall good! We have a standing pool date on Thursday afternoons at 1:00 to swim with Emily's cousins and it is a lot of fun! Emily is like a fish in the water, as long as she has her pool floaty on. She isn't scared of the big pool and will even let us dunk her at times. Emily had to have some blood taken today and she was a CHAMP. She didn't cry or even flinch when the nurse stuck her. They took 10 viles of blood and she sat on my lap and watched the whole time. She is getting to be such a big kid!!
Twin News- The girls turned 4 months old on Saturday! Where does the time go? Kate has started to roll over from her back to her belly. Although she hates it when she gets to her belly, so we spend a lot of time rolling her back over. Audrey rolled from her back to her belly for the first time today as well! At their 4 month check up Kate was 12.1 lbs and Audrey was 12.11 lbs. Both girls are gaining weight and are growing like weeds! We recently got out the jumparoo for the girls to play in, they like it for about 5 minutes and then they are done. The girls went to their first Royals game last weekend and I have to say, they weren't too impressed. I don't blame them, it was hot! We have moved the girls out of pack n plays and into a crib at night. The next step will be getting them out of our room and into their own room- someday.
Jim News- Jim recently competed in Corporate Challenge at work. He ran an 800, coached the soccer team, and I am sure I am forgetting something. Ferrellgas is doing well in their division and may even come in first! Jim has been playing with our church band 2-3 Sundays a month and he continues to play on his league soccer team.
Amanda News- I recently helped plan our annual church garage sale, and we had a great turn out! Lots of items donated and we raised money for our childrens and youth ministries. Next up is Vacation Bible School where I will be in charge of Crafts. I have recently taken to cloth diapering the twins. We were going through 16 diapers (minimum!!) a day with the twins. Hard on the pocket book and harder on the planet- so thanks to my sister-in-law, I was able to give cloth diapers a try. Turns out they are easy and I love them! Plus, there is nothing cuter then a baby in a cloth diaper! We have also been getting organic produce delivered to our door weekly and we recently acquired a rain barrel. Next up is to get a composter and we will be set. I never thought of myself as a "green" person but I am quickly becoming one!
I will leave you with some pictures of our adorable girls!
Who's who?? Seriously, I am not 100% sure on this one!
Emily with Kate (left) and Audrey (right)
Emily looking beautiful on Easter
Our Family!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Twins Birth Story
Friday, February 26th was a busy day! We got to the hospital at 6 in the morning and got checked in. By 7, I was in a room and around 7:30-8 the doctor came in and broke my water. The nurse asked if I wanted an epidural then and I decided to wait and see how labor progressed. I didn't want to get the epidural too early and slow things down. Wow, I should have taken the epidural then!!
15 minutes later I was having HORRIBLE back labor (Which had actually started the night before, but I just assumed was another discomfort) complete with full body shakes. I rang for the nurse- Now, my nurse was just wonderful, but she was new and had never delivered twins, so she was being extra thorough and taking her time. An hour after being called, the anesthesiologist showed up for my epi. This whole time my back was cramping and spazzing, but the contractions were only reading about 50 on the machine. Trust me, they were full on! I got the epidural, and somehow the doctor missed. So after all the prodding, poking, tape, the works, he had to take it all out and start again. He started in with the needle just as another contraction hit and I lost it, I started bawling. Poor Jim and nurse! Finally the epi kicked in at around 10:15 and things were MUCH better! The nurse was taking her time and putting in the catheter. She checked me about 10:45 and realized I was fully dilated and 100% effaced, it was time to go! Jim scrubbed up, the nurses scrubbed up, and off we went to an operating room.
We entered the room at 11:06. It was extremely cold and my shakes got worse, so they covered me with heated blankets and that helped some. There were a whole slew of people in the room, nurses for me and for each baby, the doctor, the anesthesiologist in case I had to have an emergency c-section, and (because so seldom are twins born vaginally) a handful of other residents and people to watch. I pushed 5 times, had a quick episiotomy, and Audrey Ann was born at 11:12 weighing 6 lbs 4 oz. I had her on my belly until it was time for Baby B to be born. They quickly scanned my belly and Baby B did not flip- she was still head down. The doctor broke my water and got her head down in the birth canal, u/s tech stepped away, and it was time to push again. We passed off Baby A to get cleaned up, pushed twice, and Katelyn Marie joined us at 11:18 weighing 5 lbs 15 oz. Both girls were 19" in length.Kate scored an 8 and a 9 on her apgar and Audrey had 9's both times.
We had no NICU time! We decided to name Baby A Audrey at the nurses suggestion, A for Audrey. They are nursing great and I tandem nurse them as much as possible. We came home that Sunday and had our home follow up visit with the nurse. They are both starting to gain weight again and we are doing really well! Nights are tough, but we are getting it slowly. It was an extremely easy delivery and we have been so blessed with family and friends taking care of us while we get used to life with two babies and a toddler!
Mommy and the twins!
Proud big sister!
The newest members of our family, Audrey and Kate!
15 minutes later I was having HORRIBLE back labor (Which had actually started the night before, but I just assumed was another discomfort) complete with full body shakes. I rang for the nurse- Now, my nurse was just wonderful, but she was new and had never delivered twins, so she was being extra thorough and taking her time. An hour after being called, the anesthesiologist showed up for my epi. This whole time my back was cramping and spazzing, but the contractions were only reading about 50 on the machine. Trust me, they were full on! I got the epidural, and somehow the doctor missed. So after all the prodding, poking, tape, the works, he had to take it all out and start again. He started in with the needle just as another contraction hit and I lost it, I started bawling. Poor Jim and nurse! Finally the epi kicked in at around 10:15 and things were MUCH better! The nurse was taking her time and putting in the catheter. She checked me about 10:45 and realized I was fully dilated and 100% effaced, it was time to go! Jim scrubbed up, the nurses scrubbed up, and off we went to an operating room.
We entered the room at 11:06. It was extremely cold and my shakes got worse, so they covered me with heated blankets and that helped some. There were a whole slew of people in the room, nurses for me and for each baby, the doctor, the anesthesiologist in case I had to have an emergency c-section, and (because so seldom are twins born vaginally) a handful of other residents and people to watch. I pushed 5 times, had a quick episiotomy, and Audrey Ann was born at 11:12 weighing 6 lbs 4 oz. I had her on my belly until it was time for Baby B to be born. They quickly scanned my belly and Baby B did not flip- she was still head down. The doctor broke my water and got her head down in the birth canal, u/s tech stepped away, and it was time to push again. We passed off Baby A to get cleaned up, pushed twice, and Katelyn Marie joined us at 11:18 weighing 5 lbs 15 oz. Both girls were 19" in length.Kate scored an 8 and a 9 on her apgar and Audrey had 9's both times.
We had no NICU time! We decided to name Baby A Audrey at the nurses suggestion, A for Audrey. They are nursing great and I tandem nurse them as much as possible. We came home that Sunday and had our home follow up visit with the nurse. They are both starting to gain weight again and we are doing really well! Nights are tough, but we are getting it slowly. It was an extremely easy delivery and we have been so blessed with family and friends taking care of us while we get used to life with two babies and a toddler!
Mommy and the twins!
Proud big sister!
The newest members of our family, Audrey and Kate!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Lots of Snow!
We have been having a lot of snow here, more then usual I would say. Yesterday we bundled Emily up to do some family snow shoveling. Jim shoveled the driveway, I did the sidewalk (in hopes of bringing on labor- it didn't) and Emily shoveled a little bit of everything.
She is turning into such a big girl! I can't believe she is two already! Parents as Teachers came a few weeks ago and Emily is doing great! She loves to color and is a big help when I vacuum. She is also turning into quite the ping pong star! =)
Twins are doing well and will be here Friday at the latest! HURRAY!!! In the meantime I have been doing everything I can think of to bring on labor, including jumping jacks and scrubbing the floors by hand. I have more and more contractions each night, and each night I think, "This is it!" But I always go to bed and they stop. Sigh, I suppose they will come when they are ready, or Friday- whichever comes first! Keep us in your prayers!!
My swollen legs, looks like my socks tried to strangle my ankle!
She is turning into such a big girl! I can't believe she is two already! Parents as Teachers came a few weeks ago and Emily is doing great! She loves to color and is a big help when I vacuum. She is also turning into quite the ping pong star! =)
Twins are doing well and will be here Friday at the latest! HURRAY!!! In the meantime I have been doing everything I can think of to bring on labor, including jumping jacks and scrubbing the floors by hand. I have more and more contractions each night, and each night I think, "This is it!" But I always go to bed and they stop. Sigh, I suppose they will come when they are ready, or Friday- whichever comes first! Keep us in your prayers!!
My swollen legs, looks like my socks tried to strangle my ankle!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
January Catch-up!
January was an eventful month! First, Emily turned 2! I cannot believe how old she is, it seems like we just had her first birthday... She had a birthday party and really enjoyed her Elmo cake. She got lots of awesome gifts. We also celebrated on her actual birthday and attempted to finish off the cake! She has got opening presents down to an art! Of course, now any time she seems any sort of present she assumes it is a birthday present.
We had Parents As Teachers over the other day and Emily is doing great! She has wonderful verbal skills, is awesome as puzzles, and excels at her fine motor skills. We need to work on jumping and drinking out of a cup. Although the drinking out of a cup thing is my fault. I like sippy cups, they keep things neat...
We are all moved into our new house, HURRAY!!! Emily LOVES the new house. She was telling her cousin about her house today and told him," Emme new house. BIG house! Emme likes her new house!" She loves her room and will play up there by herself for over an hour. She likes to show off the twins room, she even loves the basement and will ride her bikes all around down there. We had our POD (well, actually it was a SAM, but whatever!) delivered last Friday and my brother-in-law and father-in-law unloaded the whole thing themselves in an attempt to find our waterbed mattress. Yes, we are stuck in the 80's and still love our waterbed! It wasn't as close to the front of the SAM as they thought, and by the time they found it I think they were just on a roll. They unloaded everything except the couch and the piano! Talk about awesome! So, on Saturday we moved in the last two items and then put everyone to work unloading boxes and putting things away. By the end of the day, we had unpacked 90% of the house!! Talk about a blessing!! And while I thought we were crazy to move while I was 8 months pregnant with twins, it has actually been great. My mom has been a huge help in getting us settled in, and Jim's parents and sister have been AWESOME. They have helped us with more little tasks then I can even remember and I am SO thankful!! Our house is now completely unpacked and we are ready for the twins!
And speaking of twins, these two are active little ladies! At 33 weeks and 4 days I went to the hospital with contractions every 3-4 mins like clockwork. They were not at all painful, but they had been going on for close to 10 hours. I got a shot and it slowed them down. I still contract a lot, but they are not consistent and they don't hurt at all, so I just take them and go! I will be 36 weeks on Friday, in the homestretch now! And I must admit, I am ready. Things are getting downright uncomfortable! Plus, I am ready to meet the girls. My NST's (non-stress tests) are going well, the girls are very active and jump around all over the place. We will have what will probably be our last growth ultrasound on Thursday to see how they are weight wise and all that good stuff.
35 weeks pregnant with the twins!
Jim is wonderful, as usual. He has been helping me hang pictures, clean, and get the house settled. He gets me pillows, tends to Emily when/if she wakes up at night, and ignores my snoring- which is hard to do! I woke myself up the other night. He also let's me sleep in about 75% of the bed and doesn't complain. What can I say? I married a prince! A prince who will be 30 on Valentines day... When did we become adults?
So, that is January in a nutshell. I hope you are all doing well!
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